Review of RegaSpellBee iPhone App

Review of RegaSpellBee iPhone App.If you are not an native English speaking people then you should try RegaSpellBee.

Many of my friends are from Milan and some of them aren't good at English vocabularies. Its not their fault as English is not their primary language spoken. Since English is widely used for Business communication it becomes an requirement. So thats where RegaSpellBee app for iphone and ipod touch helps you to understand commonly used English words.

RegaSpellBee is a game to be specific, where the users need to type in the correct spelling of the pronounced English word. When you start the game the Bee will pronounce the vocabulary to let you type in the exact spelling of the word. If you make a wrong entry you will be alerted with a red bulb. For correct answer you will get a green bulb and then the game moves to the second word.

If you haven't heard the word properly you can click on the bee icon to replay the pronunciation. The execution was good, but the pronunciation of the words are not good. It seems a non-English speaking people have given the pronunciation while making the apps. So to some extent it has to be improved.

The game doesn't have any levels. I wish there could be some beginner, intermediate and Expert level to improve the listening skills. Except these things, everything looks to be good. So if you are an non-English people trying hard to improve your listening skills, get this RegaSpellBee app for your iPhone and iPod Touch.

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